Friday, August 26, 2011

Birth Story (in pictures)...

For those of you that do not want to read the novel I posted about Jackson's birth, I have created a photo story. This will not be as detailed as the birth story, but it will give you a glimpse into that very special day in my life!

This is just before they took me out of the prep room. The nurse was fantastic (she even came to visit me and Jackson the next day in our room)! My dad was trying to keep me calm. Meanwhile, I was having a panic attack! Dad was trying to keep me calm, but I don't think it worked too well. They had already put on my hair net, but it felt like it was falling off. But really at that point - WHO CARES? Dad was rubbing my cheek and placing a cool washcloth on my forehead. He did a great job of being strong!

I love this picture - it shows true, raw emotion! I was being wheeled away to the operating room, and I was a total mess. Dad had held it together for so long. When I finally could not see him anymore, it looks like he was tearing up a little bit. I am sure that it is scary to have your baby being taken into surgery - knowing that, even if everything goes as planned, she will come out changed forever!This man was probably one of my best friends that day - the anesthesiologist! He was great! He tried his best to keep me calm and keep me happy. He was encouraging and kept me comfortable in the operating room! If you deliver at Medical Center of Plano, you should ask for Pat to be your anesthesiologist!

My mom is all ready to go into the operating room! Doesn't she look so cute? I just love the little booties!

Sorry for the grossness of this picture, but it is not as bad as I thought it would be (but it did take me about a week to look at it)! This is the very moment that Jackson made his entrance into the world! They suctioned his nose and mouth - and a few seconds later he was wimpering (and then wailing)!

Sorry, another gross picture... He is officially out! Dr. Woolridge did a great job! He was yucky, but so perfect. At this point, I could not see him because of the curtain they placed up, but I could definitely hear him! Right after this Dr. Woolridge held him up for me to see him! It was love at first sight!

They took Jackson over to an area that the nursery nurses worked at. The did the APGAR test - he scored a 9! The cleaned him off, and made sure he was as perfect as I thought he was. They did his footprints on the hospital certificate and stamped the scrubs my mom was wearing! She wore it proudly almost all day! They weighed him - 8 pounds, 1 ounce! Absolute perfection!

Jackson was not a huge fan of all of the people touching and poking him! They checked his blood sugar levels by pricking his heel, and everything turned out fine! He sure does have a set of lungs on him!The nursery nurses wrapped him up like a little burrito, and they brought him over to me!

It was true love at first sight! At this point my tears of fear turned into tears of joy! I was so excited to meet this little man! I couldn't stop kissing him! He was so handsome! He immediately stopped crying when they brought him to me. Mom held him on my chest as long as they would let him! Honestly, I thought I would be upset if I was not the first person to hold him. I had talked with a few people before he was born, and one person told me to think of it like this - If I can't hold him because of the surgery, would I want him lying on a table all alone or held, snuggled, and cared for by someone that loves both of us? I decided that it would be okay if I was not the first person that held him. I know that my mom loves him just as much as I do, and she was the perfect way to pass along my love to Jackson!

Big yawn! It looks like he is screaming his head off, but I promise he is yawning! It was the cutest thing! Being brought into this world must be tiring!

I was in complete awe - he was perfect! My little bundle of joy! There is not a thing in this world I would trade for him! He may not have been planned, but it didn't matter at that point! He is a gift from God, given to me to protect and raise, to love and to teach, to guide and to comfort. The list of parenting roles goes on and on and on and on...

One last kiss from Mommy before he was taken to the nursery. My mom went with him. I thought I would be afraid to be left alone on the operating table, but I would have much rather had someone go with him. I knew we would both be fine, but it was important to me for someone to remain with him at all times.

Off to the nursery... The nursery nurses checked his APGAR again - and again he scored a 9! They gave him his first bath and got him smelling good and clean for Mommy and all of our visitors! Look at the hair on that baby!

Being in the nursery really isn't that bad! But he was ready to see him mommy!

Jackson being sweet in the nursery! He was an angel while he was away from his mommy! Gigi (my mom) was amazed at everything about him!

That diaper looks HUGE on him! He is so tiny... They placed him right by the windows in the nursery so everyone could look at him!

Gigi held his hand while he was by the windows. Little does he know that she is the most amazing women that I know. Her hand always provides comfort and love!

He was so brave in the nursery! He had to be away from me for a while while Dr. Woolridge finished up my surgery! I think he probably took a little nap!

They had to make sure that he could maintain his proper temperature. They clamped his umbilical cord and let him rest! He had already had a rough day!

***At this point, I was back in the recovery room with my dad and Jamie. They were surprised that it didn't take very long, and I am sure they were shocked that I was not a total mess like I was when I left! I am also sure there was a great sense of relief in the room! My dad went off to the nursery to get his first glimpse of perfection!

Poppop (my dad) waited by the window and watched his grandson get ready! I am sure he is texting family members about the birth of his grandson - and, of course, how perfect he is!

They finally brought Jackson to me! He was so quiet and still - he looked like a little doll! I held him for a long time, but I knew that everyone there wanted a chance to hold a small piece of Heaven! While I was holding him, I called all of my grandparents to let them know that Jackson and I were perfect! They were all surprised to hear from me, and not my mom or dad! I felt great after surgery - but who wouldn't feel amazing after falling in love with the most perfect little boy they have ever laid eyes on?

Proud grandparents!!!

Three generations!

Jackson - You don't know it yet, but these two women love you more than life itself. I, personally, would give/do ANYTHING for you - and I am almost positive that your Gigi would do the same! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Great posts Erin! Love that you are sharing the story of Jackson's birth, and glad you are both doing well. And hooray for your wingmen - Gigi and Poppop :-)
